The Explosion of a Dream
In my professional life, I am frequently the only Black person in the room.
The exam room, the workroom, the conference room, the coffee room, and the lecture room. I’ve become accustomed to the heaviness of this fact though never forget that I am in these spaces because of the sacrifices of others before me.
This letter touched me and forced me to remember that in my parents' generation, there were still medical schools that did not accept people from different backgrounds. The implications of these exclusion practices continue to have a lasting impact that are broad and far reaching. The feeling of isolation that I encounter in my daily professional experience is one that is shared by many of my colleagues of color. This critical issue has limited the participation of people of color in clinical trials and is a large contributor to health disparities in this county. The disparity and lack of diversity within the medical profession is also one of the reasons we still stumble with conversations about race in medicine and why I teach the concept of cultural humility to our medical students. Recognizing that our differences matter and being understanding of one another is imperative to our collective success.
I wonder what would have happened to this bright student had he allowed his dream to be deferred.
“Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore, and then run? ….Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode?”
I’ve been asked what I like to do in my spare time outside of my life as a Neuro-Oncologist at Mayo Clinic. I typically answer with a failed attempt to be witty and then say something about my family.
What has become clear in the last 12 months is that none of us are forced into just one box. I’ve learned that I like to think about solutions to problems that I encounter daily. I like to create dreams that seem impossible at first and surround myself with people who also believe in that dream.
If asked today what I do outside of my work as a Neuro-Oncologist at Mayo Clinic, I’d say, “I have created a foundation to elevate medicine to an ideal where the physician workforce reflects our population.”
Today I am honored to announce that I am one step closer to making my dream a reality, and I’d like you to join me!
-Dr. Alyx Porter Umphrey
We are ElevateMeD!
Founded by Dr. Alyx Porter Umphrey and Dr. Gregory Umphrey
Prioritizing physician workforce diversity.
Closing the gap of financial inequity in medical education.
Empowering the next generation of physician leaders.