
ElevateMeD Announcements and Updates

Posts tagged Black women physicians
ElevateMeD Scholar: Jaylyn Thompson

Jaylyn Thompson discusses her non-traditional path to medical school and personal experiences that increased her appreciation for the importance of cultural competency.

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Explosion of a Dream 2024: Scholars Summit

ElevateMeD hosted the fourth annual Scholars Summit during the Explosion of a Dream weekend on September 20-22nd. This year’s summit was attended by 30 scholars including all 20 scholars from our 2024-25 cohort, 5 scholars from our previous cohort and 5 alumni who have graduated and become physicians.

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Trailblazing for Black Women's Reproductive Health with Chiquita Lockley

MODERATOR: Dr. Maia McCuiston

PANELISTS: Chiquita Lockley, Dr. Kelli Burroughs, Dr. Louisa Appiah and Dr. Ericka Gibson

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Explosion of a Dream 2023: Scholars Summit

ElevateMeD was proud to host its third Scholars Summit during our Explosion of a Dream weekend on September 22-24th. This year’s summit was attended by 23 of the program's 2023-2024 cohort and 2 Scholar Alumni.

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Inspire Youth Enrichment Foundation Grants Second Award of $10K to ElevateMeD Scholar

Dr. Timothy Gooding and Mrs. Alisa Gooding, co-founders of Arizona based nonprofit Inspire Youth Enrichment Foundation grant ElevateMeD Scholar, Brianna Spell with additional scholarship.

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Explosion of a Dream 2022: Scholars Summit

ElevateMeD was proud to host its second Scholars Summit during our Explosion of a Dream weekend. This year’s summit was attended by 18 of the program's 2022-2023 cohort and 5 Scholar Alumni.

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ElevateMeD Scholar: Camara Sharperson

Camara Sharperson shares her journey to medicine, overcoming imposter syndrome, and her reaction to becoming an ElevateMeD Scholar.

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ElevateMeD Scholar: Shanice Walcott

Shanice Walcott shares her journey to medicine, the challenges she faced and her reaction to becoming an ElevateMeD Scholar.

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Explosion of a Dream 2021: Scholars Summit

The first Scholars Summit featured four elements: a storytelling session with storytelling coach Doug Stevenson, a wellness and balance session with wellness expert Keith Jones, a lunch and learn session with Reuben Lewis of National Financial Group, as well as the opportunity to take professional headshots with The Social Photog. This was the first in-person programming held for Scholars since the organization's launch. This presented the opportunity for the Board Members and Scholars to network and meet.

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White Coat Circle Members Dr. Maisha and Dr. Nuriya Robinson committed to elevating medicine

As members of the White Coat Circle over the past two years, Dr. Maisha and Dr. Nuriya have committed to creating opportunities for bright and talented students from underrepresented backgrounds.

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“Is a vaccine a good thing or a bad thing?”

We’ve watched the evening national news regularly since March in an effort to learn alongside the rest of the country. Every now and then, we will get a question that makes us press mute and provide some clarification. We’ve tempered the fear with truth and the uncertainty with hugs and reassurance. For months we’ve been hearing about a vaccine and all of the questions that followed. When will it be ready? Who will get it first? Who SHOULD get it first?

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You can't be what you can't see.

I chose to pursue a career in anesthesiology because I enjoy moment-to-moment decision making as well as the practical application of physiology and pharmacology. 3% of anesthesiologists are reported to identify as Black/African-American.  Of those 3%, the majority are women.

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The Dream Makers vs The Dream Breakers

I am very fortunate to have many positive influences in my life that fostered my dream to become a physician. As a child, a favorite toy my parents gave me was a Fisher Price Medical Kit. My personal pediatrician shared stories of his own medical school experience during my annual visits. A college professor instructed me to write a note on my dorm door that said “Dr. Shannon Smith, NOTHING can stop this dream from happening!”.

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The Explosion of a Dream

In my professional life, I am frequently the only black person in the room.  The exam room, the workroom, the conference room, the coffee room, and the lecture room.  I’ve become accustomed to the heaviness of this fact though never forget that I am in these spaces because of the sacrifices of others before me.

This letter touched me and forced me to remember…

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